All PYGMALION AWARDS Winners and all those that had the opportunity to participate at the ADC*E Awards 2019 in Barcelona.

2019 ADCE Awards Grand Prix & Winners

2019 ADCE Awards Grand Prix & Winners

For centuries vulvas have been censored, objectified, and erased altogether in the name of ‘decency’. Meanwhile the recent explosion of porn has pressurised young women to believe their genitals should look a certain way: the myth of the ‘perfect’ vulva. Viva La Vulva...

New Direction New Identity

New Direction New Identity

The Cyprus Creative Club has recently gone through some restructuring. With new blood and new goals, but always being the one body representing the Cyprus creative culture in Europe. As an official ADC*E (Art Directors Club of Europe) member all creative...

Graphic Stories Cyprus 5

Graphic Stories Cyprus 5

The Conference on Graphic Design and Visual Communication, Graphic Stories Cyprus, aims for the cultivation of the artistic education and the development of critical perception about modern graphic arts both on local and on international level. At the same time...

Member’s Manifesto

" Those who strive for excellence work to a higher standard and never give up. Those who chase a dream in life - the obstinate, the tenacious, the committed, the sincere, the open-minded. Those who place integrity before profit and believe in the triumph of enthusiasm over scepticism".